
Showing posts from October, 2021

Army Shipping Units:

Army Sea Transport, Depot and Hospital Units : The Japanese Army’s Shipping Command was a separate arm of service dedicated to transporting troops and supplies by sea. It carried out most of the early war amphibious landings while the navy provided armed escorts. Later in the war navy destroyers and submarines were often substitutes for the army's civilian style transport ships, which proved overly vulnerable to Allied submarines, fighters and bombers.  Under command of General Shipping Command, located in Ujina, Japan, the Transport Headquarters (shown in some detail below) provided the necessary network to facilitate movement of ships throughout Japan’s wartime empire. Dockside, Anchorage Headquarters units organized the loading and unloading of ships, under them Sea Duty Units provided stevedores for the operation.  Legend : 1. Parenthesis (123) are the number of individuals in a unit. 2.  DN   • Distributed Numbers; blocks of numbers assigned to the various unit activating auth